April 4, 2009

The Reason... The Why

So by now... I'm sure anyone who has read through the last four posts is wondering why I write. I guess I should start with the when I started to write. I started writing when I was bored in an English class in sophomore year of high school. It all started from a weird dream. From there a story began to develop. To be truthful that story has never been finished. I have written around one thousand hand written pages and have no idea how to finish it. I doubt it ever will be finished. I have way too many characters that I can not keep track of names and have already had two wars plus a numerous of other incidents. It just turned into a never ending way to test my ideas.

I wrote two stories after that. Both are completely typed up on some computer or flash drive. They both needed to be edited because my timeline for both are awful. The stories are awesome but just need to be extended into a longer amount of time. I am working on finishing my werewolf and Mut story to make a third story that will be finished.

I guess I should really get back to the main topic since I strayed for long enough. Writing is my way to relax. I can get away from all my troubles and stress. I can't be angry or sad while writing because that may influence what I write. I just have to completely forget all my worries and focus on what is going on in the story. I absorb myself into the story to stop the worry or the stress. Some people may go to the gym or run or play sports or hang with family and friends. Writing is just my way to get rid of all the stress and it fulfills its job quite well, even if typing and editing it is a major pain in the ass. It's hard to explain my thoughts of writing but am awfully glad I got into creative writing.

April 2, 2009

The Dreaded Timeline

This is the one part I really really hate the most about my stories. I never pay attention to the amount of time that a specific event take to occur. I just write. Until I go on to editing I never really notice. It just all seems to flow perfectly but the tiny detail of the time is the major problem. My current story is almost done but the whole timeline happens in just over a month. From the first meeting to the happily ever after, that is not too good. A previous story I wrote happens in about a few weeks, which is even worse. Plus one of the characters is unconscious for a good part of the time.

On to the how to fix this problem... I have a few friends who willingly read my stories whenever they have free time. Mainly it was for editing anything I may have missed but also to help me with my writing problems. From then on I'm always nagged until I actually work towards fixing the problem, the timing. To add trouble to me trying to fix the timeline is the dislike of editing. Whenever I have free time I try to edit the stories but always am trying to find ways to drag out the timeline. To the story I keep posting bits of, I need to add more descriptions of what the characters look like and have my main character, Kat, take a longer time to get to know the werewolf pack.

The when... My thoughts are that I need to first finish the story before actually beginning to work on the timing problems. I should be finished with the story *fingers crossed* by the end of the semester but that is not definite. Then I would be going onto typing the story on the computer. That is definitely not what I'm looking forward to.

I could not find a good passage that went with this topic but found what follows. Katrina, the Mut, is sort of a conservationist of animals thought not to exist, like dragons, griffons, centaurs, etc. The problem with the timing in this excerpt is that she only knew Shane, the alpha of the werewolf pack for about a week to two. They had a small argument before this which explains the first line.

“I like winning hate losing, and refuse to give up or give in,” I told Shane. “It’s a difficult habit to break. What time is it?”

"About midnight. Why are you asking?”

“Because if you want me to trust you, I might as well take you to meet the animals since it looks like I won’t be able to sleep.”

“That’s awesome!”

“Yeah, but there is one requirement. It is you having to be blind folded on the way over.”

April 1, 2009

Naming of Characters

One of the hardest parts for me is naming my characters. Most of the time everything else comes easily, the setting or the main plot, but as soon as I get to names I have problems. The names have to work for the time period that the story is written in or the time period that the person was born in but that is not all the requirements. The names have to be easy to say as well as short enough or with a nickname that does not have to be thought out each time.

There are numerous ways you could come up with names. One is writing random names on a piece of paper and assembling them into some semblance of a name. I have to thank one of my awesome friends, Laeia, for giving me this way to find a decent name for a few of my characters. She is sort of also an inspiration because she already self published a book that is just awesome and interesting (see picture *points left*). For example, take the letters t, z, a, l, i. Some names you could make from those letters are tali, zail, liza, litza, etc. Another way of finding a name would be to go on the internet searching. The last way I have found inspiration for names are from books and history. For example, one character I made is named Artemisia. Artemis is the god of the hunt and I figured that was a good werewolf name.

Some of the names I have used so far are Katrina, Shane, Shawne, Willow, Artemisia, Erica, Emilia, Ivan, Night, Dia, Mia, Fernandez, as well as numerous others. These are just the ones that come come to the front of my mind.

I figured I might as well add another small excerpt... It is a little further along from my first blog post. It's a bit choppy but gets the point across and hints what my thought of a Mut really is.

I was not happy and changed into a lynx. The man, who turned out to be Shane, released me. I turned to face him.

"I just want to chat,” he told me. “I don’t mean any harm.” As an emphasis, he had his hands raised.
“And there is nothing to worry about my pack attacking.”

I growled disliking him being the dominant. Especially disliking him for being stronger than little-ole-me.

“I know your scent missy and I’m sure the town would give me your address since I can describe you. I just want you to hear me out.”

I growled even louder.