February 11, 2016

Pantsing v. Planning

So unless you've been on NaNo, you probably don't fully comprehend the terms pantsing v. planning. Basically it's two ways of writing a novel. Whether you just wing it or plan everything out. Bet you can guess which category I fit into?

If you guessed pantsing, you're correct. How does that contribute to how I write? Basically for me I have that initial idea that usually comes from a dream. It's usually just some scene that isn't even a big part of the story. Luckily the idea is usually something in the beginning of the story so I can practically start with that. After I get past that idea, I'm basically winging it. I might have an idea on what I want to happen here and there but nothing concrete. I don't even know how I want the story to end... well other than some version of happily every after (unless it's a series and then that might be the ending of a second or third book). The cool thing is that if I don't know what's going to happen, how will the readers know. So if I suddenly decide some character's got to die, I'd assume it's going to  be a surprise to whoever reads it.

So what exactly is planning in comparison? Basically this means that the whole novel is planned out start to end. It could be short or pages and pages of outlining. Basically planners know where they're going. They even sometimes already have the chapters planned out unlike me who can't separate chapters until a good most if not all of the story is written.

And I've started to rant on for a while. I'll post another blog post soon.

Xoxo Rachel/Indigo