January 10, 2016

I'm Back!

So essentially I forgot about writing for a while & now I'm back. Can't really say I'm going to be posting a bunch, but at least I remembered my login information. :P Oh and you might see that I took down the website linked to this blog, I'm making something more dedicated to writing. That website was for a college class. Might be a while though since I'm job hunting. *play dreaded music*

So since I last posted, I've learned a bunch about myself and taken up some different hobbies... First off I have what I've termed as writers ADD (no I do not have ADD, I was tested as a kid and it came back negative). For some reason it's just around writing. I have to have a zillion stories going on at once (some nearing completion while others are just ideas). I need to be bouncing between ideas, as I learned, to be the most productive.

How did I figure this out? I completed my first NaNo this past November and let's just say it was rough sticking with one story. I kept thinking about what I wanted to do with all my other stories. If you haven't heard of NaNoWriMo, I highly recommend looking it up. It stands for National Novel Writing Month and there's a bunch of writers that compete in November to write a novel (50,000 + words) in a month. Even if it's not November, there's usually people hanging around on the forums. Especially helpful if you're stuck. Need a shortcut, click here. If you really feel determined, you can try to find me there... I go by Indigobolt (just like this blog's username). But long story short, my NaNo story is a long way from finished. Oh it's got potential but let's just say it's too predictable in a good portion of it... I don't want straight out happily ever after (which is what happened). I want them to work for it.

I've also figured out what I like to write about more and more... So basically thats paranormal/fantasy stuff. Almost always got to have some sort of shifter. But then again there is the occasional scifi with awesome aliens. And always, always, always a bit of romance. Can't help it, I want a happy ending & what girl doesn't so I want my characters to have a happy ending (eventually... usually after a bunch of torture, maybe some deaths, and a whole lot of bad luck). I'm actually planning on killing a character sometime soon so it's sort of awkward to say I'm excited, but I am.

Since I don't really have anything else to say, here's an excerpt of one of the pieces I'm working on. It's only about halfway finished so it could be a while with my writers ADD happening. Hope you like the teaser...

Ever wonder what a necromancer does when she’s not out raising the dead or causing general chaos? Ever wonder how she would stay out of trouble? One way would be to lay low in a dark hole, while another, highly improbable way, would be to make deals. I made one of those impossible deals with Satan a while back.

You see, I raise the dead every so often, and since there aren’t many believers left of the old Gods of the Underworld, I normally raise those who’d go to Satan. Satan - aka Lucifer and Fred - had sent his daughter to try and scare me away from raising his dead, but that sort of backfired. It turns out his daughter and I are really good friends. So, I’ve got a standing deal that the dead I raise, I’ll send them back to him… eventually. I’m also not “supposed” to raise huge amounts of dead at a time, unless it’s an emergency. In return, I get three hellhounds, essentially as pets. The hellhounds actually help with my work when it gets dangerous.

As you just read, the main character is a necromancer and let's just say there are demons, werewolves, and a bunch of other characters I've enjoyed working on.

Have any questions/comments/critiques, feel free to comment them below or find me on NaNo. If you have an idea for my next (eventual) blog post, let me know. Otherwise it may just turn into a rambling rant about something or another.

XOXO Rachel/Indigo

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